
The mystery of the 8th 9th 10th books of moses gamache
The mystery of the 8th 9th 10th books of moses gamache

the mystery of the 8th 9th 10th books of moses gamache

Instead it was attributed to the author "Henri Gamache," who had previously written "The Master Book of Candle Burning," one of the core texts of 20th century African-American hoodoo and conjure. " The Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9th, and 10th Books of Moses" was published in 1945 as the purported sequel to the 19th century (and earlier) Jewish grimoire known as " The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses." Unlike the model from which it was derived, this book was not self-stated to have been completely written by the great Jewish spiritual figures Moses.

the mystery of the 8th 9th 10th books of moses gamache

As it follows Tigay’s trail to the truth, the book brings to light a flamboyant, romantic, devious, and ultimately tragic personality in a story that vibrates with the suspense of a classic detective tale.The title page of "The Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9th, and 10th Books of Moses" by Henri Gamache (Anne Fleitman), lettered by Charles M. At once historical drama and modern-day mystery, The Lost Book of Moses explores the nineteenth-century disappearance of Shapira’s scrolls and Tigay's globetrotting hunt for the ancient manuscript. He wades into museum storerooms, musty English attics, and even the Jordanian gorge where the scrolls were said to have been found all in a tireless effort to uncover the truth about the scrolls and about Shapira, himself.

the mystery of the 8th 9th 10th books of moses gamache

He sets out on a quest that takes him to Australia, England, Holland, Germany where he meets Shapira’s still aggrieved descendants and Jerusalem where Shapira is still referred to in the present tense as a “Naughty boy”. Tigay, journalist and son of a renowned Biblical scholar, was galvanized by this peculiar story and this indecipherable man, and became determined to find the scrolls. Noting the similarities between these and Shapira’s scrolls, scholars made efforts to re-examine Shapira’s case, but it was too late: the primary piece of evidence, the parchment scrolls themselves had mysteriously vanished. Then, in 1947 the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. Distraught over this humiliating public rebuke, Shapira fled to the Netherlands and committed suicide. But before the museum could pony up his £1 million asking price for the scrolls-which discovery called into question the divine authorship of the scriptures-Shapira’s nemesis, the French archaeologist Charles Clermont-Ganneau, denounced the manuscripts, turning the public against him.

the mystery of the 8th 9th 10th books of moses gamache

In the summer of 1883, Moses Wilhelm Shapira-archaeological treasure hunter and inveterate social climber-showed up unannounced in London claiming to have discovered the oldest copy of the Bible in the world. One man’s quest to find the oldest Bible scrolls in the world and uncover the story of the brilliant, doomed antiquarian accused of forging them. Finally, they are presented for comparison with many customs, superstitions, traditions, prayers and nostrums which many readers will recognize as bearing a striking similarity to those which exist and are practiced even today. These are presented so that the reader may have a greater insight into the character of these people that their everyday habits may be analyzed that their fundamentally religious instincts may be measured to some degree. Third, in Book Three of this volume, which your author has entitled: "The Book of Miscellaney," have been assembled many of the nostrums used in the period under discussion. Second, there are some who may criticize the title of this book, saying that only the first five Books of the Old Testament belong to Moses that there were no Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, nor any additional books by the Great Man. The object of this present volume is to serve a three-fold purpose: First, to present an abbreviated, humanized biography of the Man Moses in such form as to make him seem alive rather than a cold, mythical personage out of a fairy tale.

The mystery of the 8th 9th 10th books of moses gamache